GooseyGoo is a database of industrial heritage in the UK & Ireland

Discover what industry has left behind

GooseyGoo has 2 main areas

Exploration and Preservation, so you can explore and restore

Industrial Explorer

Industrial Explorer

Industrial remains – mapped!

An open and collaborative industrial history mapping project that is accessible to everyone.

Add the sites you know and love and explore new ones. Rate them, favourite them, share them, talk about them! Photograph their condition and plot their history.

All you need to be part of the project is an idea for a place that you want to add, a photo and a brief description. We’ll do the rest!


Preservation Hub

Campaigns to protect & preserve

Power to the people! The future of our heritage is in our hands.

View the current climate of campaigns in the UK & Ireland – all on one map. Find your favourites by category, delve-in, support them and follow their plight.

Find advice on how to start your own campaign and learn from the success stories of others.

Add an Item
Everyone can add an item

Anyone can nominate a site

whether it’s an all singing all dancing visitor attraction, or lonesome decaying relic.

Just email your idea to

GooseyGoo is an award-winning website!


We received a ‘Highly Commended’ Certificate in the prestigious Peter Neaverson Awards for Digital Initiative & Innovation, 2016, from the Association for Industrial Archaeology (AIA).