At GooseyGoo we have a strong opinion on ethical behaviours and expect our users to have a better experience because of it and be proud to be part of something considerate and wholesome! The ethics can be considered in two main sections; environmental and social.
Environmental Considerations
Everything we do is with a care for the environment. This includes the heritage that we are supporting and helping to preserve and the way in which we run our office and individual lives!
We rarely use paper, we never travel unnecessarily, we have chosen to use a bank with a strong ethical policy and we deliberately don’t flush everytime! We don’t burn tyres, let-off fireworks or use bleach products, nor do we mail out bumf! We do however, boil the kettle rather a lot!
Social Considerations
These are very dear to us at GooseyGoo and we expect this spiel to form a general code of conduct for all users. We pride ourselves on trying to be good guys – nobody is perfect and we accept that it is a learning curve, however, we don’t want to lower the tone by mentioning lewd, offensively sexist, religious or racist comments. I know many phrases and puns fall into a ‘grey area’ due to our society (in general) having a commonly accepted ‘low-tone’, but we must insist that here on GooseyGoo we remain refreshingly pleasant, safe and informative so that our younger audiences can engage with and enjoy GooseyGoo. We must set a fine example of how to behave, so that parents can relax in confidence if their child or loved one is on GooseyGoo all of the time!
The social considerations are particularly important when it comes to advertising on GooseyGoo.
GooseyGoo reserves the right to refuse or remove any advert or company that it deems unsuitable (for any reason)!
We reserve the right to refuse or kick-off any unpleasant adverts or overtly unethical companies to preserve the dignity, quality and ethos of the site. We hope that all the users will feel the subtle benefits of this by not being subjected to any company, product or service that falls short of being a good-guy!
The use of images is also subject to our ethical policy. We are happy for users to share images via social media etc, but we do insist that they are not defaced in an unpleasant or offensive way or commented on with lewd or offensive language.
Don’t forget the general rule – Keep it clean and we’re all cool!