Formerly a paper mill, this is one of the oldest woollen textile mills in the world, with nearly continuous production since 1797.
Coldharbour Mill was one of a number owned by the Fox Brothers and the buildings are Grade II* listed.
There are two leats, and the newer one was required to feed the water wheel that you can see there today.
In 1865 the mill started producing worsted yarn instead of the woollen yarn and installed a 25hp steam powered beam engine to drive the additional machinery. Subsequent years saw the arrival of more steam engines including in 1910 a Pollit & Wigzell (300hp) cross compound steam engine .
They also dabbled with hydro-electricity generation, electric lighting systems and gas on the site!
Fox Brother’s closed the mill in April 1981.
Now they house a restored Kittoe and Brotherhood beam engine, the Pollit & Wigzell 300 hp, cross compound engine, a pair of Lancashire boilers, a chimney to die for and oodles of working textile machinery!
See for yourself, you won’t be disappointed!
For steam up days and visitor information click HERE!
Coldharbour, Uffculme EX15 3EE.

Formerly a paper mill, this is one of the oldest woollen textile mills in the world, with nearly continuous production since 1797.
Coldharbour Mill was one of a number owned by the Fox Brothers and the buildings are Grade II* listed.
There are two leats, and the newer one was required to feed the water wheel that you can see there today.
In 1865 the mill started producing worsted yarn instead of the woollen yarn and installed a 25hp steam powered beam engine to drive the additional machinery. Subsequent years saw the arrival of more steam engines including in 1910 a Pollit & Wigzell (300hp) cross compound steam engine .
They also dabbled with hydro-electricity generation, electric lighting systems and gas on the site!
Fox Brother’s closed the mill in April 1981.
Now they house a restored Kittoe and Brotherhood beam engine, the Pollit & Wigzell 300 hp, cross compound engine, a pair of Lancashire boilers, a chimney to die for and oodles of working textile machinery!
See for yourself, you won’t be disappointed!
For steam up days and visitor information click HERE!
Coldharbour, Uffculme EX15 3EE.